LED Signs Blog

Secrets to a Successful LED Sign

Written by Stephanie Brault | Jun 20, 2016 2:30:36 PM

If you just purchased an LED sign for your company or organization, you’ve already taken the first step in increasing your business. Of course, if you’ve invested in a valuable digital display, you want to ensure it succeeds. This will take some time and careful consideration, but in the long run you will see a significant benefit to your business.

Pay attention to the following factors, and your LED display is sure to succeed!

Physical Factors to Consider

There are several important physical factors that will affect the effectiveness of your LED sign.

LED Sign Size

First, you’ll need to choose an appropriately-sized LED sign. To determine which size sign will work best to meet your goal(s), think about the viewing distance and time passersby will have to read it. Ask yourself:

  • Are there traffic lights and/or stop signs near your facility?
  • How high do you need to place your sign to make it effectively visible for your intended audience?
  • What is the speed of traffic passing your location?
  • How many traffic lanes are there on your targeted road?

LED Sign Location

Also important for the success of your electronic message center (EMC) is its location. Make sure your sign is clear of trees and other structures that may serve as obstacles. Beware of bare trees in the winter—they’ll be in full bloom in spring, potentially obscuring your LED display! Man-made structures can also be changed or expanded, creating future obstructions. Evaluate your surroundings when selecting the spot for your sign to avoid these possible issues.

Next, observe the volume and speed of passing traffic. Also keep in mind the type of traffic: Is it primarily cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, or pedestrians? These factors will also help you optimize your LED display content when it comes to font size, speed, and text vs. graphics.

Going back the point about traffic lights and intersections, consider where the nearest intersection is and the best angle for stopped traffic to view your LED sign. How long is the average driver stopped at that intersection? Base your sign’s content on that wait time to maximize readability and reach.

LED Sign Quality

To ensure your LED message board has a long expectancy, purchase from a reputable dealer or manufacturer, preferably one based in the United States. A high-quality sign will have long-lasting LEDs that will stay bright and effective for years to come.

Other features to keep in mind when it comes to sign quality are:

  • Pixel Pitch: The distance between each pixel on your sign.
  • Resolution: Defined by an LED sign’s pixel pitch and number of pixels. The closer the pixels, the more life-like the image.
  • Matrix: The number of pixels high by the number of pixels wide.

Each of these traits will affect the readability and success of your LED sign, so be sure to find out the specs when shopping!

Visual Factors to Consider

Visual features that lead to a successful EMC are also important to keep in mind, like brightness and content.

LED Sign Brightness

Choose an LED display that is bright enough to be readable during the day without burning out too fast. Your EMC has to compete with the sun, so you want it to stand out and be readable despite the rays.

At the same time, your LED sign should not be obnoxiously bright at night. It’s a message board, not a spotlight—keep it noticeable and readable, but not distracting and annoying.

LED Sign Content

Your goal will determine what your message should be and what type of content you use on your LED display board. Which will most effectively get your message across: text or graphics? If the answer is text, how many lines? Remember not to overdo it, especially if your viewers are reading from a good distance or passing by at a high speeds.

As long as you maintain a strategy and regularly update your sign’s content, you will continually capture the attention of your audience and successfully reach your goals.

High-Quality Software

The final secret to LED sign success? High-quality, easy-to-use software. Good LED display software should be intuitive, so you can manage it yourself and update your sign messages regularly without having to pay an individual or service to specifically handle this for you. Beware of retailers or manufacturers that are selling “Content Creation” services, which is usually an indication that their software is not user-friendly.

Your LED sign software should also come with many pre-installed options and capabilities, along with a content library. AdChoice LED Signs’ iCreate Software, for example, includes a content library, simple layout, scheduling platform, easy form editor, and more.

A Little Work, A Lot of Success

As long as you keep these factors in mind, your EMC is sure to get the job done for you. With the right sign in the right location with the right content, your organization will see a boost in leads and sales in no time.

Learn more about AdChoice LED Signs, or call us today at 800-379-0256!